Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Final Slides

Space and Positioning (Project Space)

Planning Slides

Slide Projection Ideas

Wall Drawings - Projected

I have been thinking for a while now about other means in which I can 'draw' on the wall. Looking at the permiable use of plexiglass in both Jean-Marc bustamante and Blinky Palermo's work, I have thought on using a simialr method of working though in minature. I will do this by using glass slides.

Using slides I am able to draw, as before, strait onto the glass which will then be projected onto the wall. In doing this I am still creating work by drawing onto the  wall.

Jean-Marc Bustamante

Blinky Palermo

"It is not captured in photos, it remains only in the memories of those who stood inside it."   Blinky Palermo


Art Institute Installations: Wall Drawing #1111 by Sol LeWitt

"There are decisions the drafts man makes within the plan as part of the plan. Each individual being unique, given the same instructions would carry them out differently. Even if the same draftsman follwed the same plan twice, the outcome would be two different works of art."   

"It seems more natural to work on the wall than to make a construction."     Sol Lewitt

Chalk Line

I recently bought a chalk line. I would like to create some massive line drawings with it, although I need to find some wall space to do so.

Jan Albers

Installation at Mönchehaus Museum (2007)

I love these Jan Albers wall drawings. They combine line, 3-dimentional aspects along with splashes of colour. I seen his work for the first time at the Fruitmarket Gallery. I prefer these to some of his other work but I do still love his use of line,colour and shape.

c2 + f2 = d2

Floor Plan